I’ve been holding off on writing about this because, with many losing their jobs, the changing times, and all the unknown, it felt insensitive. But then I realized that, the very reason I’m able to write this is BECAUSE of how I’ve learned to navigate the unknown. And so, I hope you find this supportive and helpful in these quickly shifting times!
This is a post to CELEBRATE! At the end of June 2020, I closed the books on my first full-time year of business. When I looked at the numbers, I was shocked! The revenue for the year was $109,581.
A Six-Figure Year! In my first full time year! That wasn’t even one of my goals and yet, it happened. And it was further validation.
Validation that when I follow my heart and sit in the crucible of the unknown, of the Void, and fully trust in the vibrational nature of the universe, myself, and my deep inner Truth – backing it by Aligned Action at the edge of my comfort zone – magic happens. But it isn’t always easy to Trust. Let’s rewind 14 months earlier.
In April 2019, my world fell apart. In the span of 6 days, I lost my car, was let go from my job, my partner ended things with me, and then her and I moved into the same house together (because we had financially committed to it with another friend). My rent was 3 times what I was paying and I suddenly had no salary, and I was suddenly living with my ex. I had been life-coaching part-time for 7 years, with a couple failed attempts to take it full-time, so I had a small income.
My anxiety quickly rose to the surface and I immediately started thinking I needed to get another job. But, deep down, I knew that wasn’t the answer.
Because this had happened to me many times before, suddenly being plunged into the Void, the Unknown. I knew what the Universe was telling me: Stop f*cking around. Stop with the Plan B’s. You know what you’re here to do.
And I did know. I was here to guide others in how to navigate the unknown. And to do it full time. And, over the years, I’d come to understand the vibrational nature of the universe. That, as I grow, shift, and heal my internal world, releasing conditioned beliefs and suppressed emotion from my vibration, my external world will naturally shift around me. Anything no longer in alignment with my vibration will leave.
So I knew that, as painful as it was and as hard as it was for my Mind to accept, that all that had just left my life left because it was no longer in alignment. For 2 months, I felt, I sat in the pain, I gave myself time to recover. I resisted the urge to find a job out of fear. I used the last of my savings to buy a new car and get through the tough time. And I started to reach out more about my coaching work.
For the first several months, my Trust was tested, and I wouldn’t know where my rent money was coming from 2 days before it was due. I resisted the urge to ask family, or anyone, for help. I prayed, asking God that, if this was what I was meant to do, please continue to show me the way and show my clients the way to me. I surrendered. I trusted. I kept taking consistent action, day in and day out. 3 months in a row, a “miracle” happened. Right at the end of the month, a client would appear with just enough money to cover my needs, sometimes multiple thousand dollars. And so, these weren’t “miracles”. They were matches to my vibration. My answered prayers because I kept showing up in Trust, without “needing to know the HOW.” But taking Aligned Action rooted in Trust, not fear.
And as my vibration continued to rise, as my Trust in myself and the Universe continued to rise, as my commitment to my Purpose continued to rise, … soon, the “just enough” turned into “more than enough.” Each month, I never knew HOW I was going to attract the money, but I started to have the confidence that I would. And I did. And now more and more keeps coming in, rarely with me knowing how (I’m just starting to create predictable income now).
Because you can’t know how to do something you’ve never done before. The “need to know”, to have things comfortable and known, is what holds so many from the Freedom and Self-Sovereignty that is possible in the not-knowing. In the surrender to magic and possibility. We’ve been conditioned over centuries to exchange our deep Inner Knowing, the call of our heart, a Truth beyond the mind that needs no external validation for the safety of “protection” and infrastructure provided by a government.
To NOT Trust what we KNOW. To NOT play too wildly outside the lines because we could get hurt and “they” know best. And as long as we play by the rules, “they’ll” keep us safe.
YOU know best. And ONLY You. And you always have. That knowing is available to you in the Void, in the Unknown, at the edge of your comfort zone, between your thoughts. When you let go of “needing to know” and “needing to have it all figured out” with your mind, you can hear your deeper Truth.
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