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This post is all about the 5/1, or “Heretic / Investigator” profile in Human Design.

You may be here because you have this profile yourself, or perhaps you’re here because you know a friend, family member or someone else who has this profile. Regardless, I’m glad you’re here.

The 5/1 Composition

The “Profile” in Human Design is nicknamed “the costume of your purpose”, and is another consistent part of your design that you can lean into. Profile is determined from the specific locations of the Sun and the Earth activations at two moments: (1) the moment of your birth and (2) the moment 88 days before.

Profile comes from the Sun and Earth “lines” at these two moments, where the “line” is the decimal point that comes after the gate number. Thus, a 5/1 profile contains a mix of the 5th line, “Heretic”, energy as conscious energy on the right side of your chart, and 1st line, “Investigator”, energy as unconscious energy on the left side of your chart.

An example of a Human Design chart with a 5/1 Profile

An Unconscious 1st Line (Design)

On the left side, the 5/1 profile consists of unconscious energy of the One (1), the Investigator.

This comes from the Sun and Earth positions at a moment 88 days before your birth. This energy is more connected to your unconscious mind, and the “bigger aspect of you” that is more than just the body you’re walking around in.

A Conscious 5th Line (Personality)

On the right side, the 5/1 profile consists of conscious energy of the Five (5), the Heretic.

This comes from the Sun and Earth positions at the moment of your birth. It is more connected to the moment “you” enter the world, and the moment “you” begin existing as a human identity for the first time with a human name, consciousness and ego.

The 5 and 1 energies placed together like this combine to form a unique profile. Let’s look at each energy individually first, before seeing how they join together to create a powerful catalyst for your purpose to move through.

Let’s first look at the five on the conscious side of the chart.

The 5th Line “Heretic”

On the right side of this example 5/1 chart, you can see the 5, the “Heretic” energy.

While “Heretic” can be an intense word, it basically means the energy of Universalization, and people can feel it. And so they may project onto you something other than who you are.

The “Heretic” 5th line energy is an energy that you are here to universalize a message.

Universalization simply means to express a message and share a message beyond your immediate network, beyond just the people you know, and to share it with a bigger audience including strangers.

This comes with an essence of mastery in whichever topic the message you are called to share is in. A unique characteristic of this 5th line energy is that people can easily project onto you without even realizing they’re doing it. Some of the projections can include that of a “savior”, and that you’re going to be the one to save them.

The 5th line, with all it’s universalizing potential, is a very seductive energy.

Others can feel this energy in you and think: “Oh, finally, this person can solve my problems!”. People can easily place strong expectations onto the 5th line, thinking you will be the saving grace to help them.

However, before jumping to attempt to solve their problems, or live up to their expectations, wait to listen your to your Strategy and Authority.

What will really help the 5th line is to be patient to ensure you aren’t giving in to emotions, whims of the mind, or desires of the not-self. If you have a Splenic Authority, you may know instantly your correct decision on whether or not you can support certain people. However even if you have Splenic Authority, it is still really important to stay centered in emotional clarity, and be certain your decisions are coming from your Strategy and Authority. This will help you to know if you’re supposed to enter into certain relationships, situations or support certain people.

Usually, people with a 5th line in their profile will get a lot of requests to support others. Of course you may also be getting a lot of requests if you’re living in alignment with your design, your channels, gates, and Strategy and Authority which is the most important part.

It’s really all about living your design, because “purpose” isn’t something you do, and your “profile” isn’t something that you do, it’s something you BE. Purpose is something that happens.

Living your design, especially as a 5th line, you’ll naturally get requests to universalize your message.

And again, pay attention to what your Strategy and Authority is telling you with regards to each of these requests, opportunities, invitations, or asks, that may come to you throughout your life!

The shadow of the 5th line…

The shadow of the 5th line is that it can also be seductive for you. It can be seductive when people see you as a savior, or when they want to give you power to support them, or when you see the potential for fame and notoriety that may come with universalizing a message.

There can be a shadow of authoritarianism, suppression or oppression hidden in the 5th line. It’s important to simply be aware and to notice that temptation may exist.

There may be many ways this temptation manifests through you. There may be a part of your ego that really likes the power, or simply you may have an undefined ego with some shadow aspects of feeling that you have to prove yourself. There may be a way to gain immediate satisfaction or benefits from manipulating people. Regardless of the way that the shadow manifests, in the long run, it’s not good for you.

The shadow of the 5th line will not be good for you or for anyone, because it is not in alignment with how the energy truly wants to move through you, when you are being who you’re here to be and honoring your Strategy and Authority. Your true authority will never guide you into the direction of manipulation for your benefit while others struggle or authoritariansim..

All that is needed is to notice those patterns within you. No judgment or blame, just try to notice and get curious about it.

Can you remember a time you ended up tempted by the shadow aspects of the 5th line?
Can you remember if someone projected qualities upon you which may have sounded amazing, but deep down, you knew they were not seeing your authentic self?

Did you learn to use your natural gift in this shadowy way to get through hard times?

Those are the questions. Because normally when humans are operating in shadow patterns, it’s only because they are doing so to survive. Unfortunately, upon reflection you may even notice that society sometimes encourages or rewards humans to operate in shadow patterns, regardless of whether or not its correct or healthy for that individual.

So, stay connected to your truth, be patient and feel your clarity through your Strategy and Authority. Doing so, you will naturally access the balanced and beautiful aspects of the 5th line.

The 1st Line “Investigator”

On the unconscious side, the left side of your chart, there is this unconscious energy of the One, the 1, the “Investigator“.

Remember, on the right side of the chart, in the conscious energy, we had the 5th line “Heretic” which may manifest as your brain wanting to get you out on the “stage” (physical or virtual) sharing your message, and wanting to bring you into opportunities to share your message with the world

That is all well and good, however in the unconscious energy, the 1st line likely doesn’t want to rush out and speak to anyone at all, it is more concerned with building foundations and ensuring it has all the information it needs.

It’s important to notice that in all profiles, the unconscious energy is an energy that may not be as “loud” or easily recognizable as the conscious energy as it is an energy going on unconsciously in your body.

The “Investigator” 1st line energy manifests as an inner knowing that will guide you to study, read, learn, and build a really strong foundation for the message that will be universalized.

The 1st line is guided to back up the 5th lines message with data, facts and history, all that has come before.

The Investigator is a really important part of the 5/1 because of the unique way they work together with a certain tension.

The shadow of the 1st line…

The shadow of the 1st line is the potential to OVER-investigate.

The 1st line comes with a certain kind of “fear” or even compulsion, to keep studying, studying, studying, and studying some more. The 1st line shadow may make the individual not feel safe unless they keep studying one more book, one more course, one more learning opportunity, and one more seminar before they’re ready to go out into the world and express, before they are ready to be in their fullest.

The 1st line shadow may manifest as trying to make decisions on what to study and investigate from the mind, emotions, or anything else but natural Strategy and Authority. This is simply something to notice and watch out for.

Don’t study only what your mind wants to study, or what your emotions want to study. Don’t study to try and prove yourself, or because of any other not-self or shadow inclination. Study what your Strategy and Authority guide you to.

How the 5th Line and 1st Line Works Together

The 5th line “Heretic” wants to go out and talk and share it’s message. On the other hand, the 1st line “Investigator” wants to build the foundation to share on and build the platform.

It doesn’t mean you’re only going to share what you learned in books, it means that you’re going to use what you learn in books to back up your message.

As a 5/1, there is something that YOU know, there is a message that is burning inside your heart that wants to go out into the world lit.

The best thing is to allow your Strategy and Authority to guide you and inform you of the right people, places and opportunities to share your message (5th line), and the right questions to ask to investigate the depths of your message (1st line).

The unique ability of the 5/1 is to share their universalized message from a rock-solid foundation. 5/1’s make great teachers and wisdom-holders. Following their Strategy and Authority will help any individual to avoid the shadow aspects of their profile. When the 5/1 aligns with the messages they are here to share, and works towards mastery of their message, likely the 5/1 has an opportunity to build a strong reputation and to have their messages reach the places they are needed.

Interestingly, the founder of Human Design, Ra Uru Hu, was a 5/1 profile!

Lean into your Strategy and Authority, lean into the wisdom of the defined gates and channels in your chart, as well as lean into the flexibility of your open centers and notice any not-self or shadow patterns. The more you live your design, the more your purpose will naturally start to unfold. It will not feel like you need to keep seeking, or doing, but simply BEing.

Continuing in this way, the more you’ll end up studying exactly what you’re designed to study. Nothing more, nothing less.

And from then on, the more you’ll witness opportunities to share coming to you because of the 5/1 profile. The 5/1 has a kind of magical way of it’s own reputation building, even the 5/1 is even sleeping or not doing anything! Especially if the 5/1 is acting in alignment, and following their Strategy and Authority to know when they can deliver on expectations and when they cannot.

Are you a 5/1? Or do you know a 5/1?

Let me know your thoughts and leave any questions in the comments below.

I hope this post brought you some insight today. If you prefer to watch or listen to this information again, you can check out the Youtube video here.

You’re encouraged to subscribe to the channel too, because there is a ton of great information on there to support you in your Human Design journey and more coming out all the time. It’s time to live our authentic selves!