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In this post, we are going to dive into Relationships and the “Generator” type in Human Design.
This post is designed to help you if:
- You’re a Generator looking to improve your relationships (with other Generators and with other types);
- Or whether you’re a Projector, Manifestor or Reflector looking to improve your relationship with Generators.
Generators in Relationships: Are You Listening or Losing Yourself?
Let’s start at the high level. When Ra, the founder of Human Design, was channeling this information through, he said that in relationships, the more similarities you have, the better.
This means that regardless of the Type of the people you’re in relationship with, the more similarities you have with them, the easier it will be as there’s already enough differences between you and other humans. So, even though any combination of Types can make an amazing relationship, it would be easier for you to date someone with the same Type.
However, your genetics makes you attracted to – and intrigued by – differences and intrigued by the differences.
That difference can create a strong attraction… but it can also create a lot of drama, a lot of urgency, or even losing yourself in the relationship: losing your focus on your life, your passions, and your health. This is a wonderful opportunity to see your relationships and learn more about what you really need underneath them.
Especially now as we are moving into this collective evolutionary period, evolving how we relate as a collective. Consider asking yourself these questions:
- Have you ever felt “attraction” because you’re seeing something in someone else that you wish to have within you – but that isn’t a natural genius of yours?
- Are you attracted to someone else because of a natural genius within you that you have disconnected from ?
Relationships for Generators: Enter from Strategy and Authority
Now, as Generators, what’s most important for you, (and for all four types, really), is that you enter into your relationships from your Strategy and Authority. So for Generators, this means that you are entering into relationships from a Sacral response.
A Sacral “YES”.
It’s important for Generators to enter into relationships from a Sacral Yes.
A clear, Sacral Yes.
Not because your mind thinks the person is perfectly beautiful, not because this is the person you’ve been waiting for, not because your emotions feel really excited… but because your Sacral is a yes.
A Sacral “Yes”, as seen in the image to the left, is generally an energy that rises up and out of the Sacral.
A Sacral “No”
Personally, trusting my Sacral “No” has been one of the most challenging things for me.
Being a Manifesting Generator (applies to Pure Generators too) means it’s important for me to resist emotional excitement about potential connections and what my mind makes someone out to be and to trust when my Sacral says, “No”.
A Sacral “No”, as seen in the image to the right, is energy that is shrinking and contracting back into the Sacral.
The way that each Generator connects to their own Sacral may be unique, so you are encouraged to keep listening, witnessing, and noticing how your Sacral response feels in different situations. Regardless of how you connect, the Sacral is always responding to every potential relationship you may enter into and it is always saying either Yes or No. So keep building your subtle sensitivity to experience it.
This goes for personal, romantic, professional, or collaborative relationships.
This is important for all relationships.
Generators with Emotional Authority
If you have an emotional authority, wait for the familiar emotional clarity that comes after your emotional wave. Do your best to resist the mind’s meaning about your waves.
Wait for that smooth emotional landscape.
If you have an open or undefined emotional center, don’t making choices when you’re in emotional upheaval.
Because your emotional waves aren’t consistent like those with an Emotional Authority, you won’t have a familiar emotional clarity that always feels the same like those with an Emotional Authority. But it’s still important to wait out emotional intensity so you can feel your Sacral Response clearly.
Can I Initiate?
None of that means that you can never ask someone out.
You certainly can ask someone out on a date or express interest in someone.
The important thing is that when you go out on that date, planning that date, expressing interest, or invited to go deeper by the other, notice how your Sacral is responding to all of these moments. Listen to feel if it remains a Yes throughout the process or becomes a No.
Noticing the Sacral Response after initiating
If you initiate the date, there are still a plethora of moments which provide stimuli that you can respond to, for example, what is your response when you sit next to the person?
If they invite you into a hug, kiss or anything like that: make sure that you’re giving your Sacral an opportunity to respond.
Try not to get too lost in the other person’s experience. Give yourself time to notice and witness your clear, Sacral Yes before moving forward.
Even though you may be a Generator type, you still can initiate parts of the dating and courting process.
This also applies in a business context. You can initiate “getting to know you” processes or other communication processes and listen to your Sacral as the process moves along.
The most important thing is to notice at each stage what your Sacral response is telling you. As you are being invited through questions, invited through the next meeting or the next date: pay attention to what you’re saying, pay attention to what your Sacral is saying, and make sure you aren’t “getting lost”.
Practice that self-trust, and practice trusting your body.
Generators and Projectors
If you’re in a relationship, friendship or collaboration with a Projector, one of the things to know is that the Projector may not have as much consistent energy as you.
If you’re in a romantic relationship with a Projector, it can be more challenging for the Projector to sleep in the same room with a Generator. This is because the Projector can be continually soaking up even more of that Sacral energy when their body is trying to rest.
Can I sleep next to Projector or other type?
Ra was actually quite clear when he channeled the Human Design message that “It’s not ideal to sleep in any one else’s aura, even those of the same type, so that you can maximize recharge and deconditioning during sleep.”
However, I don’t strictly adhere to that because I personally like to sleep next to my partner when I have a partner. Although there are times when sleeping in different rooms feels good too. What’s important is to acknowledge the impact, be aware and have that intentional conversation with each other.
It’s important to acknowledge and discuss the impact that just sitting next to each other can have on your energy levels.
Peoples’ auras effect each other, and sometimes a simple change of sleeping arrangements can work wonders. For example, a couple may end up in unnecessary fights during the day, not realizing that it is largely because the Projector may not be getting quality sleep at night.
If the Projector is offered some nights sleeping in their own aura, the fights may dissolve.
If you’re a Projector reading this who is in a relationship with or dating a Generator, it’s good to keep a note that this is a good conversation to have together!
If you’re a Generator in a relationship with a Projector, know that
- Projectors will likely need time and space outside of your aura.
- Projectors will likely go to bed earlier and have less energy usually at the end of the day.
Generators and Manifestors
Generators and Manifestors are really interesting because the Manifestors are here to bring in big change in the world, initiate, and inform.
The Manifestor is here to say: “Here’s what I’m going to do”, or “Here’s what I want, and here’s the direction I want us to move in”.
In this scenario, it’s very important for the Generator to honor their Sacral response to the Manifestor’s initiations. Alternatively, if the Generator initiates a relationship with a Manifestor, it might create a really challenging start because you’re not entering into the relationship correctly. And remember, the start of relationships is so important.
Within a relationship between Manifestors and Generators, it’s important to really honor that the Manifestor is here to initiate and inform and the Generator is here to Respond. A Manifestor and Generator relationship can look like the Manifestor Initiating and the Generator Responding to that initiation, they can then navigate the dynamic together, both honoring each others unique Strategy and Authority.
Always, it’s better to do it with awareness and with intention.
It also can depend on what’s defining the Manifestor
For example, if the Manifestor has the 21-45 channel, then it’s going to be important for them to be in control of situations, in control of finances, in control of many day to day things like this. If you are interested in learning more about this unique channel, this post goes into detail on the 21-45 Channel which is also called “The Money Line”.
In this example, the best thing for a Generator to do would be noticing any resistance within you to allowing that dynamic to be what it naturally is.
Allowing this dynamic doesn’t mean that you can’t be in control of your own finances or your own portion of things. However, if you’re a Generator in a relationship with a Manifestor who is Ego-Manifested with this defined channel 21-45, then it’s important to recognize that it’s going to be important for them to be in control and to make decisions in the material world with resources and material decisions that you share.
Leaning into each others natural differences can potentially provide amazing dynamics. And being a Generator, you can help with providing consistent Sacral energy to move things forward and get things done.
Generators and Reflectors
Next we come to Generators and Reflectors in relationships. Reflectors are here to sample and experience things over a much larger time period, a 28 day cycle. Reflectors will find a consistency through the moon, which activates various channels within the Reflector over the course of 28 days, in a consistent cycle each month.
It’s important to remember for Generators that Reflectors are looking at life through different lens.
They’re looking at life as a paragraph (month, bigger patterns) while Generators look at life as a sentence (day, smaller patterns). Generators are seeing things on a daily basis while the Reflectors are seeing bigger themes.
It’s important and possible to find a rhythm that works for both Generators and Reflectors. This rhythm would allow Reflectors to take their time in making decisions and moving forward while also allowing the Generator to experience their response in the meantime and make choices from their Sacral response.
Together, you can both play and experience. what it’s like to follow those roads and paths together. Experience it, take note, and witness the unfolding of this path, as well as continue to gather information over the lunar cycle.
Generators and other Generators
Of course, you can also be in relationship with other Generators.
In this case, both individuals are invited to follow their Strategy of listening to their Sacral response and follow the wisdom of their unique gifts. If your Sacral is a “No”, challenge what needs to be challenged while also inviting the other person to do the same too. Find the happy place where both Sacrals are a Yes. And, when they’re not, do your own thing without judgement or making it wrong.
Moving Forward in Alignment, Together
As a Generator, your Strategy is to listen to your Sacral Response to make decisions. However, in relationships, you may also be making joint decisions, and so it is important to honor each other’s decision making process and to communicate really openly about it.
Be open to genuine communication.
As well, never stop listening to your Response, and listening to what safety in a Relationship feels like.
Generators in Business Relationships
As Generators, you’re going to have more consistent energy than other types. This can create a lot of comparison challenges from the other types thinking they need to keep up with Generators or from Generators judging this difference in energy as something other than it is.
In business, there are lots of interesting dynamics between types, especially with Generators and Manifestors.
It is a good idea for the Generator to really surrender to their Sacral Response and not try to run the show with their mind. And to let the Manifestors initiate ideas and forward movement, as long as they’re appropriately informing and operating within the parameters of their aligned role in the Organism of the company.
It can be helpful for Generators to pay attention to Manifestors, Reflectors, and Projectors, especially in a business context, and acknowledge what they’re able to see how energy is being used inefficiently that might be a blind spot for the Generator. Of course, keep listening to your Strategy and Authority, as not everyone’s advice is helpful and not every other person is living their design!
There is a unique intersection of all of your Authorities that will be the sweet spot of operation and decision making.
In business as well as romantic relationships, honor your Strategy and honor the Strategy of others, too.
For example, if you’re a Reflector, Projector or Manifestor and you notice a rhythm in your Generator partner, business partner or romantic partner, that something isn’t quite right, or something that could be operating better something…
- If you’re a Reflector, give it the 28 days and gather all of the information over that 28 day period.
- If you’re a Projector, wait to be invited. However, if you’re in a business partnership and feel it’s something important to say, you can let them know if the situation is implicitly inviting you to share (e.g. it’s important for the success of the business). A great way to do this is to create the dance floor for the Generators to ask you to dance, inviting the invitation. For example: “Hey, there’s something really important I want to talk to you about our dynamic. Can you let me know when a good time is for you?”. Then they can invite you into the conversation because they know what to invite you into
- If you’re a Manifestor, the best way to tell something to a Generator that you feel they should be doing differently, is to inform them that you’re about to do that and why and also give them a chance to Respond with “Hey, not right now” if the time is not best for them. You can then inform and initiate at a later time.
With Awareness, All Relationship Combinations Can Work
An important note is that all combinations of Types can work in amazing ways. It’s the beginning of the relationship that is very important. So ask yourself, How do you enter into relationships: based on your design and the other person’s design… or based on your mind and emotions?
How the relationship began is going to set the tone for the whole relationship.
Ra recommends Generators date Generators, Projectors date Projectors, and so on. But that doesn’t mean that it can’t work.
Any relationship can work with awareness of the dynamics of the energetics that happen when you two come together.
At the end of the day, honoring Strategy and Authority in yourself and in the other is what will make your relationship smooth.
So, if you have fallen in love with a Projector, Manifestor, or Reflector or you are collaborating with one in business, find the sweet spot at the intersection of your designs… through the tension of how you operate differently. From that tension can be born something beautiful.
This post dove into the foundations of relationships and Human Design Generators. Hopefully, if you’re a Generator this helped you understand how you can enjoy more alignment, fun and ease in your relationships. And if you’re a Projector, Manifestor, or Reflector, hopefully now you have a little bit more insight into how to relate with Generators.
If you want to watch me talk about this and many other Human Design Topics on YouTube, click to the right to join us on Youtube. There is already a ton of great information up on the channel and new videos are coming out all the time.
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