In this post, we’re going to dive into the concept of the Human Design “Generator” Type and money. Everything in this post applies to both Generators and Manifesting Generators. Keep reading to dive deep into learning how generators can live more in alignment with their design to allow more financial abundance and financial security into their life.
There’s lots of different ways a Generator can make money because. “Type” is just a small piece of Human Design and to get the full picture, you need to take into account your gates, channels and more. Because of that, this post will mainly focus on:
- What is true for all generators, which is the Strategy to “Respond”
- The two different authorities a generator can have: Emotional or Sacral authority
- Making money depending on how your Sacral is defined, such as whether your Sacral is defined via a channel to the Emotional Centre, Root, Splenic, G-Centre, Throat centre, or even multiple centers.
First Step Towards Increasing Financial Abundance: Use Your Strategy
Let’s begin with the first step: Responding.
If you want to increase your financial abundance, the most important thing as a Generator is following the truth of your body and your deep inner wisdom. For Generators, this is through getting familiar with and practicing following your Sacral response.
If you’re not following your Sacral, you may make money, but it’s usually going to come with exhaustion, burnout and frustration (the not-self theme of the Generator).
This will likely feel comfortable and “safe” because you’re following the logic that society taught you will keep you safe. But true safety is generated from your inner wisdom and is not dependent on external circumstances.
When you follow your Sacral, it will guide you to the opportunities, conversations, and people that it knows will be the path of least resistance.
It will guide you outside the comfort zone you created with your mind and the path it guides you on will almost always be illogical.
Over time, the Sacral and the mind will start to sync up, as the mind gathers evidence that following the Sacral leads to results. But in the beginning, it may be a little uncomfortable to first listen to your Sacral if you’ve been spending your whole life following your mind, as the path to results won’t be logical.
Second Step: Listen to Your Authority
Sacral Authority
If you have Sacral authority, it’s all about listening to the clear YES or NO.
Notice and witness the rising energy up of the Yes or the contracting energy of the No
Follow that.
And be aware that your mind is likely going to want to ignore it or want to to “think it through”. It’s going to want to write out a pros and cons list, it’s going to want to figure it out and make sure it makes “sense”.
But the wisdom your Sacral is tuning into is beyond logic, beyond thought, and beyond reason because it’s tuned into a bigger energy field than your mind is concerned with.
Your Sacral is tuned into the consciousness field, the information that is stored in the subatomic neutrino stream that is moving through you at every moment which carries the information of past, present and future in this nonlinear time that we actually live in.
So, trust that inner compass. Notice your mind, honor it, but also practice and notice the emotions that come up when you want to ignore the warnings and worries of the mind. Follow your Sacral response, and be gentle with yourself in the moments it’s challenging to do so.
Use your breath to slow down, go for a walk, or do whatever you’ve got to do to navigate the emotions, fear, or anxiety that comes with making a decision that doesn’t necessarily make “sense” to the mind. When you follow your Sacral, things happen in ways that you can’t predict, and often in more efficient and aligned ways than your mind ever could have thought up.
It’s important not to take my word for it. But to practice it and see for yourself… to create an embodied experience of listening to your Sacral for yourself – and seeing the results that happen. Building your nervous system capacity to sit with any fear from the mind, and to be with the “unknown”, is super important and will support you a lot in this process.
Since you have an open emotional center, your emotional waves will be inconsistent, unlike the consistent emotional waves of the Emotional Authority, described below. It’s still important to allow your emotional waves to settle down before listening for your Sacral, so you can be sure you’re responding based on your Sacral and not emotions.
It’s so easy to confuse emotional experiences in the body (like excitement) with a Sacral Yes, or confuse fear with a Sacral No!
Emotional Authority
If you have an emotional authority, you have a consistent emotional wave that you can count on to show up in a similar and consistent way with each decision. And so, unlike those with the Sacral Response, you can get used to it and lean into its wisdom and consistency. It’s important to wait out before you can accurately hear your Sacral Response (even though you have Emotional Authority, your Strategy is still “To Respond” … and to do some from an emotionally clear place after your emotional wave has done it’s job.
The emotional wave is going to either start at a high or start at a low and then reduce in intensity over time until it comes to clarity.
If you have Emotional Authority, you want to wait until your emotional wave finishes gathering information and comes to clarity, which is when you’ll also be able to hear your Sacral Response.
Waiting for Emotional Clarity could take moments or it could take months, depending on the size of the decision. In general, most wait times are somewhere between a few minutes to a few days.
If you have Emotional Authority, it’s important to really let your emotions run their course because during that time, your consistent emotional wave is going to be gathering all the information about the decision.
Once you get to emotional clarity after the wave is complete, THEN you can also feel your Sacral and make the decision from that emotionally clear place.
If you have Emotional Authority: don’t make decisions while you’re in the highs or lows.
Different Sacral Connections
Sacral Definition through the Emotional Center: Channel 59 – 6
There is only one channel connecting the Sacral directly to the Emotional Centre and that is through the 59-6 channel. If you have this channel you have an Emotional Authority, it’s important to wait out that emotional wave.
It’s also really important for those with this channel that you don’t follow the impulse from the mind or from your emotions to dive into relationships too quickly. This is especially important for personal relationships, but also for professional ones.
In the context of money, there’s going to be a lot of invitations to use your Sacral energy, especially as you become more and more known in your field or in your career. Over time, there’ll be a lot more requests on your energy and it’s a good idea with invitations to allow a courtship process.
The channel 59-6 is all about allowing a courtship process. It is about letting the emotional wave go through that initial excitement or fear that comes, such as: “Oh, this partnership could be the thing that makes it all work!”, or: “Oh, I don’t know, this is really scary”.
Let all those emotions fall away. To get to that clear place, allow there to be a courtship period that could take days, weeks or months. Don’t rush in with urgency into relationships and collaborations, that’s really important.
Sacral Definition through the Root Center
If your Sacral is defined through the root center, it means you have one, some or all of channels 52-9, 60-3, or 53-42. These three channels are called format channels. they look tiny on the chart, but they are really powerful.
These three channels add a big punch into the rest of the chart and they flavor your chart.
- 52-9 is about bringing concentration and stillness to everything you do.
- 60-3 is about waiting out the limitations of society to bring in bigger mutations, while being patient and dealing with the sadness or melancholy of how slow society moves.
- 53-42 is about the importance of being really careful what you start, because once you start it, you have to finish it (and you will need the Sacral energy to finish it, which you will have if you followed a Sacral Yes
It’s important for all the channels, but particularly with these channels, to slow down. These three channels are connecting the motivation and drive of the root center to your Sacral life force, providing pressure to go out and experience life. It’s a lot of energy, as well as a lot of impulses! “Oh, I have to do this thing!”, “I’ve got to move this energy”.
One invitation is to move some of this energy through regular exercise. If you have emotional authority, again, make sure you’re waiting out your emotional wave before making a decision. And make sure you’re not choosing from excitement, fear, or a mental process, but from clarity.
Sacral Defined through the Splenic Centre
If your Sacral center is defined through the Spleen, it will be through either Channel 27-50 or 34-57. If you have either or both of these channels defined, the importance here is to know that your Sacral operates in a fast manner, as it’s connected to the consistent instincts and intuition of your Spleen.
- If you have 34-57, it’s all about the Now. It’s about the instinctual knowing when not in an emotional wave. It’s an early warning system that you can always rely on to let you know if there’s something to worry about, so you don’t have to worry with your mind. This takes practice to trust this and let your mind relax its vigilance.
- 27-50 is a channel that is all about caring, caring for yourself first and foremost. And then caring for others by standing for or fighting against the values of the communities you’re a part of. You’re here to care and either to stand up for values that are supporting people around you, or fight against values that are not – vs. caring for individual people. Trust your instincts and Sacral to know who to care for.
If your Sacral is defined by your Spleen, know and trust your instincts in the moment. Know that you also have this powerful, consistent, instinctual knowing that may be quicker than other generators that don’t have that Splenic-Sacral connection.
Sacral Defined through the G-Centre
The G center can be defined by one of the four channels moving up from the Sacral to the G Centre: 14-2, 5-15, 29-46 or 34-10. Having the Sacral and G-Centre connected is all about your Sacral energy being connected to your identity and direction.
While it’s important for all Generators to allow your Sacral to guide you step by step by step through life, it is even more important if you have one of these channels defined.
There’s a lot of specific flavors to those four channels that I won’t get into in this post, but check out the blog posts on the Individual and Collective circuitry to help you with that. The most important thing is to know that your direction will unfold through your Sacral.
Having your Sacral defined through your G-Centre is about allowing your direction to unfold.
Sacral Defined through the Throat Centre
Finally, the last center that can be connected to the Sacral is the Throat center, via channel 34-20. This is the typical Manifesting Generator channel and it is about the Now. Your life emerges in the Now.
This is true for most Generators, to let your life emerge through your Sacral response, rather than trying to “plan” it ahead of time. But, with channel 34-20, it’s even more pronounced.
If you have the 34-20, it’s really important to allow your life to bubble up in the moment and to allow your words to bubble up in the moment. Trust that contraction if you get a Sacral ‘No’, and don’t speak or don’t act. Similarly, trust that “Yes”, when it is time to act and speak.
It is always an interesting thing to practice this trust and notice the mental patterns of distrust that may arise.
It’s not always easy for the mind, as the mind wants to take action and follow strategies to solve problems, filling up time regardless of if its effective or efficient. So, a lot of this is a practice, and Human Design is about application. You can learn Human Design, read it and look at your chart every day, but the fruits will come with the practice and the application.
This means noticing, accepting and honoring your mental patterns and your nervous system patterns that may distract or prevent you from following your design.
Financial Abundance through Aligning with your Design
Being a Generator, means that you have a magnetic aura that will bring things to you. You are going to meet the people that are going to give you the opportunities, and going to meet people that want to use your Sacral energy in the correct ways.
Money will flow from that place.
Sometimes there is a period of time where you may be transitioning from using your mind to plan out how you’re going to create abundance, and instead moving into learning and practicing to fully trust the wisdom of your body. In the beginning, you may not yet fully trust the wisdom of your body and so it’s important to have patience and gentleness with yourself as you rediscover how to tune into and follow your body’s wisdom.
However, if you really practice and start as small as you need to, I can tell you from experience that your Sacral will guide you to more abundance and more peace of mind while using less energy than your mind’s strategies could ever create.
Now, maybe your mind is like, “but wait, you didn’t really tell me any specifics about how to make money!”.
That’s exactly right, and the reason is because your Sacral knows more than I could ever know.
Start trusting it. Start trusting it in the way it’s energetically designed. More, and more, and more. And simply witness what may begin to happen.
Never forget to also be gentle with your nervous system and the parts of you that were taught to be afraid to follow your Sacral, or that have learned to be scared of going your unique way. Be gentle with them, and breathe into them to create space for new possibility.
I hope you enjoyed this post, I’d love to hear your thoughts so please leave any questions or comments below.
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