If you allow it to happen, you’ll die and be reborn.

It is the fear of losing who you have been …. that prevents you from allowing yourself to become who you must be to reach the Life you desire

If you let go of your grip on old outdated beliefs, behaviors, and patterns that have held you back, they will naturally burn away like a forest fire (along with anything that was created from them). This creates the ecosystem for something new and more aligned to rise from the ashes.

AND this takes a commitment to strengthening your Faith and Trust.

There is only one thing you need to do: tap into the Fire of Your Truth and stand in it fiercely and confidently. Or, in the moments you can’t quite do that, become more aware and accepting of the parts of you that are scared to do that.

With patience, that awareness creates space for the fear to lessen and for a new possibility to emerge.

You are like the archetypal Phoenix. You are designed to allow yourself to die and be reborn over and over again in this lifetime, a new life arising from the ashes of the old each time.

This happens when the mind isn’t trying so hard to control everything, clinging onto an old way of being because it feels safe and comfortable.

That safety is an illusion.

You are designed for change and the unknown… and for True Safety which transcends external conditions. When allowing change to happen, you allow your internal world to shift from old outdated beliefs to new beliefs that will get you where you want to go.

It’s the resistance to change that creates suffering. It’s the constant need to control your life, to create certainty, and to know for sure that everything is going to go as you plan it to… that creates suffering.

And it is that that STOPS the change you desire from happening. Because, when you get out of the way, you realize the change you desire is happening of its own accord – until you slow it down.

If this post resonated with you, I invite you to join the “Human Design Applied” Facebook Group where you’ll find support and inspiration to embody your Human Design, align to your truth, and trust yourself like never before!

All the support and community you need to follow your Heart and go against all you’ve known…

Instead of trying to force your way through life with strategies, actions, and logic, Align your internal world to the external world you desire first.

This removes resistance, replaces exhausting effort with Aligned Action, and will have you making progress instead of checking off to-do lists.

You can have Abundance, make an impact, and have intimacy – all at the same time. As you unlearn what you’ve known, remember who you are, and rebuild  your capacity to stand in the Fire of your Truth.

The School of Unlearning includes …

  • Video Lessons, Worksheets, Meditations (1-2 new lessons per month)
  • Monthly Community Calls
  • Private Facebook Group for community and support.
  • Community built around Human Design, Wealth Dynamics, and the I’Ching
  • Direct support from Orion (including a mini-reading)
  • 15% off Human Design and Wealth Dynamics Readings
  • The Phoenix Method (the Method I’ve refined over the last 10 years

Hope to see you in there!