In this post, we’re going to dive deeper into the concept of SAFETY. And remembering how to feel safe when your world is changing. So you can move with the change instead of resisting it.
One of the reasons most people don’t create the change they truly desire in their life is because it doesn’t feel “safe.” And that’s because they’ve been conditioned to “create safety” by creating predictable income, housing, relationships, and routines.
But this “created safety” is only an illusion, dependent on those external conditions and routines NOT changing in order to feel safe. And, as soon as those conditions do change (break-up, lay-off, etc.), the safety disappears. Or a lot of energy is spent trying to hold up the illusion instead of rolling with the change. Or there’s a scramble to restore the illusion of safety as quickly as possible with new external conditions (new job, relationship, etc.)
But this is not how the universe works. This is not how YOU work, not how you’re designed to work anyway. You are meant to feel SAFE even amidst change and uncertainty.
You ARE safe. Change and uncertainty is moving you in the direction of your desires. Because the path to your desires lays outside your comfort zone. Outside what you’ve know. You’ve just forgotten all of this. So… it’s time to remember…
In the last post, we spoke about how you’re designed to work WITH yi (the frequency of Change), not against it.
Like the seasons, you change. And as you change and evolve, your jobs and relationships will naturally want to shift as well, to stay in alignment with who you’re becoming. But, when you’re attached to them for safety, it can be scary to let them go. And so you resist.
Because you’ve forgotten that you are designed to thrive in the unknown.
You ARE safe in the unknown.
And this is a safety that doesn’t depend on external conditions. It is always there despite how external conditions change.
Your Mind will likely think otherwise when faced with loss/change: “But these are my people… my community! But I love him/her! But this is my career! What else would I do? How will I ever find someone? What if I end up alone?”
Yes, letting go is scary. Painful, even. Uncomfortable, for sure. But resisting change is a suffering and numbing that can last your whole life… while the pain is sharp and intense but over quickly. And after the pain comes much more alignment and joy.
However, there is so much societal conditioning and pressure to fight against Change… to resist it: to do, achieve, create safety and security through routine and predictability, and follow reason and logic. “To set yourself up for success and retirement.” To be strategic and calculated, embracing the illusion that you can out-strategize nature.
You can’t out-strategize nature. That is an illusion modern humanity would like to believe. But it’s not true. And we are being humbled during these times.
TRUE SAFETY is created through trusting that YOUR NATURE is to thrive and be safe no matter how the external conditions change. When you’re tuned into the deep Truth within you, Trust yourself SO deeply, and work WITH yi…
That’s when you create a safety that transcends external conditions and structures. This is true safety. This is your nature. This is your birthright.
And when you’re in tune with nature, working with the Frequency of Change that, as the seasons demonstrate, is always happening whether you like it or not, you will always be provided for.
You are meant to allow things to die in your life so new things can be reborn. You’ve just been conditioned to believe that that is unsecure. But it’s actually the most easeful, secure way to navigate life.
Help your mind relax and embrace change.
Your plans and strategies will keep you from experiencing what will naturally happen, which is way better than what you can think up. Humble your Mind in the Truth that it can’t know your direction better than your Heart, your Gut, and nature. Start with small choices, so your mind has a chance to gather its evidence for this deeper Truth.
This Truth and Secret that has been lying dormant in most of humanity since it was suppressed way back in 1500 B.C.
The main secret: as a human, you are designed to THRIVE in the unknown, to THRIVE in change. When you do trust your heart and impulses, life can become so much easier for you.
When you remember that the structures and routines you’ve created in your life to create an illusion of safety, security, and comfort are actually keeping you from following the call of your Heart, which keeps you disempowered and reliant on external systems, governments, and people to provide safety FOR you… you can begin to detach from those structures and routines… and from any belief that you need them to be safe.
The invitation is to begin to follow the flow of nature again. To let it guide you, trusting before you gather the evidence that you’ll be safe even when your Heart guides you to a path society may frown upon.
To listen to your intuitive knowing and to what your heart, gut, and body are trying to tell you through all the mental noise. To let it guide you to changes you need to make that may bring up fear, sadness, and anger…and to allow yourself to feel those emotions fully.
In the next post, I’m going to offer a tool that will support you in proactively building this trust and reconnecting to your intuitive knowing.
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