In this week’s post, we will be talking about how Projectors are designed to create abundance in their life: an abundance of money, relationships, material things, community, friendships, intimacy, etc.
Whether you are a Projector yourself or know / have relationships with / or collaborate with Projectors, this post is for you as it’s important to know how Projectors naturally operate so you can better collaborate and relate with them.
Projectors, in the realm of Leadership and Work are called Guides, and there are three types of Guides. There are Classic Guides, Energy Guides, and Mental Guides. In this post, you’ll find out about all three and how each of those is uniquely designed to create abundance.
If you are a Guide or want to know how to better work or collaborate with them, find out your Leadership Type by downloading your Free Leadership Report that’s personalized to your Human Design chart.
How Guides Create Abundance
If you are a Classic Guide (Classic Projector), then that means that you do not have any of the four motor centers defined and you don’t have your Sacral Center defined.
So all Projectors, all Guides, do not have a Sacral center defined.
How you create abundance isn’t going to be in the same way 70% of the population does. 70% of the population has the Sacral Center defined, which means that they are designed to create abundance by building, by using their consistent Sacral energy to build things into existence.
There are two different types of Builders (Generators). If you want to understand Builders/Generators better, check out the two posts on Systematic Builders / Pure Generators and Manifesting Generators / Direct Builders.
So as a Guide you, unlike the Builders / Generators, do not have that consistent Sacral energy. You may have been taught to try to create abundance through using consistent energy, but that’s not natural to how your body operates. How you create abundance, is going to be dependent on your energetic makeup.
There are lots of factors in the Human Design system to help understand your energetic makeup. In this post, we’re going to look at a high-level factor which is what Type of Projector/Guide you are: Classic, Energy, or Mental.
Classic Guides
A Classic Guide means that, you don’t have that Sacral Center defined, but you also don’t have any of the other three motor centers defined.
There are four motor centers in Human Design: the Sacral Center, the Root which is at the base of your spine, the Solar Plexus which is directly below your ribcage, and the Ego Center which corresponds to the lower half of your Heart.
The Root Center is about drive and motivation, pure energetic drive and motivation to go out and experience life.
The Solar Plexus Center is connected to how you experience and process emotions. And how those emotions give energy for action.
The Ego Center corresponds to willpower, a sense of individual self and self-worth, and how you navigate money and the material world. It’s connected to the energy to get things done. This willpower isn’t always “on”. It’s not about forcing action when you’re tired. The willpower here is an energetic intelligence that turns on and off.
These “motor energies” are pressures through willpower, emotions, drive, and sacral energy. If you are a Classic Guide, you don’t have any of those centers defined (colored in), which mneans there’s no consistent way you experience that motor energy. Depending on who you’re around and depending on the day, you can experience your willpower, emotions, drive, and energy in many different ways. It’s important to lean into this flexibility in these areas of life, allowing you to sample many ways of experiencing that motor energy, which allows you to be a great guide for others, as you learn what works well and what doesn’t.
As a Classic Guide, you have either Splenic Authority or Self-Projected Authority. If you have your Splenic Center defined, the triangle on the left side of the chart, you’ll have a consistent way of experiencing your instincts and intuition: a Splenic Inner Authority. You’re designed to trust a “knowing” that exists in the now. It is a clear Yes or No that happens before any thoughts or emotions rise about the decision. It’s piercing and clear. It’s important to build your capacity to trust that Yes or No as a leader and/or Guide and to follow it’s guidance, ignoring the thoughts and emotions that rise after it.
As you practice noticing what this “knowing” feels like in your body, you’ll get used to that feeling, a feeling distinct from emotions. Practice and gather evidence for your mind that, when you follow it, good things happen.
If you don’t have any motors defined, you don’t have your Spleen defined, and you have your G Center defined, you have a Self-Projected Inner Authority. Anatomically, this is your heart connected to your throat. The G Center is energetically responsible for your Identity and Direction in life. It’s connected to your “Higher Self” direction and identity, above the fray of your ego and all the belief systems you’ve developed about who you are (your identity). It is the pure direction that unfolds when those fears and beliefs aren’t in the way.
So, this connection between your G Center and Throat Center is a consistent pathway that allows you to hear that “higher, purer, more true” direction express through your Voice.
When you’re making decisions, it’s important to talk through those decisions outloud, speaking all the things your mind is thinking until you hear something come out of your mouth that isn’t from your mind.
You’ll know it’s your G Center talking, and not your mind, when your surprised by what you hear yourself say. It’s not something you were thinking about and you may even think it’s “too arrogant”. But, it’s not arrogant. It’s just very pure, very true, very you. You may even feel that those words came from your heart, physiologically.
So as a Classic Guide, you are here to create abundance by trusting your instincts and intuition or trusting what you hear come out of your mouth from a deeper place. And then, as you follow that inner guidance, you’ll be guided to the correct people and environments where you’ll be able to guide others’ motor energy. Because you have all four motor centers open, that means you’re open to sampling all the different ways that you can and others can play with the different motor energies and experience the pressure of willpower, emotions, drive, and Sacral energy and to understand what works and what doesn’t.
You create abundance by guiding others in how to use their energy, their emotions, their willpower and their drive in the better, more efficient ways. It’s important to wait to be invited to share your wisdom and guidance. This is the Decision-Making Strategy of Projectors/Guides. When you wait to be invited, your instincts or spoken direction can let you know which invitations are correct for you. This ensures you’re sharing your guidance with those that are ready for it.
This doesn’t mean you aren’t here to “do” and get things done. There are many moments when you’ll be sampling the Sacral Energy. It just means to not force action when that energy isn’t there. You’ll create a lot more abundance with a lot more ease by waiting for the invitation and leaning into your genius as a Guide who naturally samples what works and doesn’t all around you.
If you try to push yourself past your limits and your energy reserves, you’ll end up blocking abundance from reaching you.
Energy Guides
If you’re an Energy Guide, you do have one of the four motor centers defined that isn’t the Sacral.
You have the Solar Plexus, the Ego and/or the Root and it’s defined.
That means you either have consistent drive and motivation coming from the Earth energy that is entering into your Root Center at the base of your spine, giving you the motivation to go out and experience life and have an adventure or…
You have the Solar Plexus (emotional and relational center) defined, giving you a consistent way you experience your emotions and emotional waves around your decisions. When you resist the temptation of your mind to try to make sense out of the emotional waves, highs, and lows and just allow the waves to run their course, you’ll be able to trust your emotions and emotional clarity to guide you to the correct decisions as a leader. Or…
You have the Ego Center defined.. This is the willpower to move things forward in the material world. As mentioned before, this isn’t referring to willpower in the way society typically does. It’s not a willpower that you’re supposed to use to push through exhaustion to get things done. It’s an energetic intelligence that isn’t always on. Ride it when it’s on and rest when it’s off.
Wait for invitations and follow your Decision Making Strategy and Authority to know which invitations are correct for you. When you do this, you’ll be living and leading as you’re naturally designed to, and you’ll naturally absorb information about the environment around you through your Open Centers that you can then use to guide others. They will feel this wisdom you’re gathering and will naturally invite you to share it.
And, as an Energy Guide, you create abundance by using your motor energy to move along the path that your Strategy and Authority guides you along.
Mental Guides
Mental Guides don’t have any centers defined below the Throat.
You either have the Ajna and Head defined, the Ajna and Throat defined, or all three defined.
And so the energetic make-up of your body is largely open, meaning you’re sampling many different ways of navigating the various areas of life.
In a way, you’re looking down on all the activity that’s happening around you, with a consistent vantage point and consistent way of thinking about the world. While you do have a powerful and consistent mind that you can utilize to guide others, you aren’t meant to use that mind to figure out your own path. T
To make the correct decisions for yourself and who you’re leading, it’s important to get into the correct environment so that you’re getting the correct invitations. You’ll know you’re in the correct environment when you are being recognized and appreciated for your wisdom and guidance, you’re invited to share it, and people follow it when you do.
Once you get this right, you’ll be able to use your mind to correctly to guide those around you, creating abundance for yourself and them in the most natural, easy way.
Exploring Abundance: What Does It Look Like for You?
Money is just one material form of abundance. Abundance itself is an energy, a way of being. It can look like money, relationships, intimacy, material things, community, joy, connection, experiences. When one of these material forms is lacking, all will be lacking. When you trust the wisdom of your body more and more, you’ll be guided to a more abundant way of being and more and more material forms that mirror that way of being.
So, what’s most important is noticing what’s in the way of you following the wisdom of your body. What thoughts and belief systems? What nervous system patterns? What ways are you getting lost in emotional intensity, whether you have a defined emotional center or not?
What ways are you getting lost and using those thoughts, beliefs, patterns, and emotional highs and lows to make your decisions? How can you help yourself build your capacity to allow those thoughts, feelings, and patterns to rise and fall without buying into them, so you can hear and follow the wisdom of your body underneath that fray. So you can be patient and wait for the correct invitations, the gathering of wisdom, and trust your Inner Authority to guide you.
That is how you create wealth and abundance. That is how you get yourself in alignment with the path that you are designed to be on to Guide others in exchange for abundance.
So take inventory of where you are pushing yourself through your energetic limits and busying yourself with action because you learned to create your worth in the world through activity. Then, remember you are worthy as you are. You don’t need to earn your worth through action and accomplishment. Begin to slow those patterns down so they can shift. You don’t earn your value by how you take care of everyone around you. You are valuable. Period.
And you’re not meant to be as active as the 70% of the planet that are Generators/Builders.
So if you stop building all the time and stop generating, which might be scary at first, and start waiting for the invitations, that pause is going to allow the space for you to receive the invitations that you’d miss if you were too busy. You can start really generating abundance from a very peaceful place that is going to bring you lots of success and recognition.
Hopefully this is helpful. If you haven’t already, take a moment to download your Free, Personalized Leadership Report below! And I hope you’re having a beautiful day!