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I’m writing this right after Christmas 2022 in my childhood home in New Jersey as I’ve been reflecting and contemplating on the year that has just passed and the depth of the winter season and the holiday season. I’ve been really present with all the emotions that come up for me during this time and I know the holiday season can kickstart emotional waves for many.

So what a perfect time to dive into the Solar Plexus Center of human design.

This is the center of emotions, desires, moods, and relational intelligence.

Whether you have it defined or open, you experience emotional waves.

If you have it defined, your Solar Plexus Center is your Inner Authority. And your emotional wave will be consistent in a way you can rely on, get used to, and lean into. And that you can wait for it to complete, knowing that emotional clarity will come on the other side of it.

If your Solar Plexus Center is open, your emotional waves will be inconsistent, dependent on where the planets are in the sky and who you’re around, what gates they have defined in their Solar Plexus, and what channels are defining their Solar Plexus. So, your emotional waves won’t have the consistency you can lean on for decision making. However, they are still important.

The solar plexus center is all about how your emotions move through your body. Located below and to the right of your ribcage, this energy center energetically governs the flow of emotions from your auric field into your body, creating the sensations you feel when you feel sadness, anger, joy, etc.

So when you understand how to live and work with your solar plexus center, navigating the emotional reality of being a human can become a lot easier.


Defined Solar Plexus Center

If you have a defined emotional center, a defined solar plexus, that means that you have a consistent emotional wave. And that’s the key word there, consistent.

If you have a defined solar plexus center, you have an emotional authority.

Any decision you have to make in your life, whether small or big, you’re going to have a wave. And it can last anywhere from minutes to months. If it’s  a super tiny decision, it can even be seconds or milliseconds and you might not even notice it happening. It’s a super big decision, it will probably last more like weeks to months.

No matter the length, it will always be consistent in how it operates.

Depending on the gates defined in your Solar Plexus and the channels that define your solar plexus, you’ll experience your wave in a particular way and always in that way. So you can lean into it, you can get familiar with what it feels like in your body and not get lost in the highs and lows of the wave.

It can become like a familiar friend for you. It’s something that you can count on because it’s defined, it’s consistent, it’s your authority, it’s how you’re designed to make decisions.

You can realize your wave is just doing its thing. The bigger the decision, the bigger the wave, the bigger the highs, and the bigger the lows. It will either start at a peak high or a peak low and then start to oscillate. That oscillation will get smaller and smaller until it calms down and gets to this clear place.

You’re designed to allow the wave to do its job, gathering information, letting it oscillate from the emotional highs to emotional lows and back again until it has explored the decision from various emotional vantage points. Then, the oscillations will get smaller and smaller and eventually the wave will come to rest.

And then you will experience emotional clarity. Your shoulders will likely drop and what felt tumultuous and impossible minutes before will suddenly be clear. And you’ll be able to tap into your Strategy and Authority clearly.

But, even if you don’t have that emotional authority, you still have emotional waves.


Open Solar Plexus Center

The main difference is your waves won’t have the consistency of a defined Solar Plexus center. So you won’t want to rely on them for decision making. However, the inconsistent emotional waves of the Open Solar Plexus still carry very powerful information.

Depending on where the planets are in the sky and what gates and channels the people around you have defined, you’ll experience your emotions in different, unique ways. You’ll be able to feel how others experience their emotions. And you’ll even amplify their emotions through your own energetic system.

This allows you to be deeply empathetic for all the ways people experience emotions. You’re not biased with your “own way” of experiencing emotions and so you’re open to all the ways of experiencing emotions, desires, moods and relationships. You get to sample and see what works and what doesn’t in how you communicate your emotions, express your emotions, and feel your emotions, desires, and moods. You get to explore all the ways that your fellow humans on this planet experience their emotions.

The most important thing is to practice discerning what emotions are yours and what emotions are others, to notice what others’ emotions feel like in your body and to let them move through you without attaching to them or identifying with them.

This allows you to be a great guide for others in the realms of emotions, desires, moods, and relational intelligence.

And, like those with a defined Solar Plexus, you still won’t want to make decisions while you’re in an emotional wave.

When you’re feeling intense emotions, it will be hard to listen to your Strategy and Authority. So, while you’re not relying on your waves to gather clarity in a specific, consistent way that you can familiarize yourself with, you’ll still want to wait for the waves to calm so you can hear your Strategy and Authority clearly, whether that be a Sacral, Splenic, Ego, or Self-Projected, Environmental, or Lunar Authority.

Because of the intense inconsistent emotions, it’s easy for people with an open solar plexus to people please in order to avoid conflict. You may find yourself avoiding sharing uncomfortable truths. There may be a tentativeness of “Let me not ruffle anyone’s feathers because then I’ll have to navigate this really uncomfortable emotional experience that I have no idea how it will show up. So let me just make sure they’re happy and everyone’s happy so that I don’t have to go through that.”

I have an open solar plexus and, as a recovering people pleaser, I know this deeply and personally. I’m continuing to unravel these patterns more and more.

The key is to follow your authority and let it guide you to the right moment to share uncomfortable truths, set boundaries, and create closer relationships. To trust that, as long as you’re following your authority to the right moment, you will be able to navigate the emotions. And so will the other.

The key here, again, is to not make decisions from an emotionally charged place. Don’t make decisions from an emotional wave

In summary, everyone has emotional waves.

And if you happen to be reading this in the winter, like when I’m writing it, the energy of this season is about creating space for newness to be born in the spring. It’s about letting old versions of you fall away like leaves off a tree. It’s a deeply feminine energy, a womb from which new life can emerge.

Yet you have to allow for that space to be created. And this space is created by allowing yourself to feel the emotions that arise as the energy of winter will naturally allow what is no longer serving you to fall away.

Your conscious role in that process is to support the parts of you, the neurological patterns that are scared to do this, that are grasping to these patterns that have worked and kept you safe to this point – but that you know deep down are now holding you back and you no longer need. To notice the parts of you that are desperately trying to hold the leaves to the tree… and to loosen your grip and let the leaves fall.

To grieve the death of winter. To allow yourself to feel and let the waves move through you. They are a great energetic intelligence. You don’t need to figure them out with your mind, although sometimes understanding them is helpful. Most of the time, it’s best to let your mind do what it’s doing but gently bring your awareness down into your heart. Down into your body. To feel. To breathe deeply. To build your capacity to be once again. To remember your natural ability to be in your body, present with the intensity of the emotions, noticing what the sensations of them actually feel like in your body. Instead of escaping them through the mind.

This is the key to living your Human Design: embodiment. To really, truly live how you’re designed to live and get the benefits of the Human Design system, you need to build your relationship with your body’s wisdom and sensations. Your chart can only point to them. It’s up to you to practice.

So my wish for you is to optimize the opportunity that your emotional wave always presents.

I hope this post supported you in a deep way. And I hope you’re having a beautiful day! You’re so important and I appreciate you reading this and showing up every day. You’re amazing.

If you haven’t downloaded your free, personalized report yet with your unique human design chart yet, make sure to do so below. It contains a detailed explanation of your Type, Strategy, Authority, and Profile. It also talks about the difference between open and defined centers.

There are many places you can generate your Human Design Chart. But most leave you wondering what to do with it . . . or charge for the guidance.

    Here, in your Personalized Human Design Type Report, you get a detailed overview of your Human Design Type and Strategy for FREE, as well as tips on how to apply what you learn and tap into the wisdom of your body.

    More importantly, this personalized report  removes the complexity and makes it easy to implement and change your life IMMEDIATELY through The Phoenix Method, which puts Human Design into a greater transformative context.


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